Salt Lake City

We’ve arrived safely in Salt Lake City.  This was the longest day of the trip at about 9 1/2 hours of drive time.  Plus an hour and a half of barf cleanup and about 20 minutes to deal with a check-engine light.  Luckily that turned out to just need a couple of quarts of oil.  We’ll be keeping a close eye on that for the rest of the trip.

After barfapalooza, we decided to go ahead and dose the drugs the vet provided.  Ricky only ate half of his and then spit it out and boy am I glad he didn’t finish it.  He was completely wasted, stumbling around and falling down.  Needless to say he slept the day away.

Cory said his journey was uneventful.  Imagine that….Cory didn’t have much to say.

We are all exhausted so are calling it a night.  Tomorrow we head to Pendleton, OR.  That will leave less than 4 hours on Tuesday to reach our temporary home in Beaverton, OR.

2 thoughts on “Salt Lake City

  1. Cindy- you are literally passIn us at Frank’s dad’s house on Monday…about 3.5 hours into your trip!! Wouldn’t that be about time to stretch? We are in Wendell, just outside of Twin Falls.


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